If you want to solve societal challenges like climate change, you’ll need the right data to make it happen. One way to discover relevant datasets and create new solutions is to join Open Data Hackdays. There you can work in interdisciplinary teams to develop new solutions for challenges you care about within two days.
You can donate your data for a greater purpose to enable innovation or solutions you deem valuable. Here are a few initiatives that you could support:
[EN] Using simple technological tools, anyone can analyze and visualize data. From Data to Wiz helps you to find the ideal visualisation for your data.
[DE, FR, EN, IT] Two helpful platforms to implement the visualization are Data Wrapper and Tableau.
[EN] Would you like to go one step further and enter the world of Data Science? This blogpost offers a detailed ranking of existing online courses.
[DE, FR, EN, IT] Many valuable apps and insights are created from open data, e.g. the bathing weather index in order to discover the warmest spot to take a bath. You can discover them here.
On the Swiss open government data (OGD) platform «opendata.swiss» you can find over 7000 open datasets ranging from the distribution of alpine ibexes, aerial photographs and antenna sites to the monthly measured air quality and federal expenditure on dairy farming.
[DE] Lerne die Geschichte von offenen Daten in der Schweiz dank der Analyse von Jonas Ösch kennen.
[DE] In diesem Video erklärt Code for Germany, wie sie engagierte Menschen zusammen bringen, um mit offenen Daten die Zivilgesellschaft zu stärken.
[EN] A video on how data can be used for social good by the founder of DataKind, a community of data scientists supporting social change organisations.
[EN, DE, FR] You are a data scientist or visualisation designer, who wants to use their skills to benefit the world? Join the Meetup group «Data Science for Good» in Basel.
[DE] Contribute to people-powered research. The Zooniverse enables everyone to take part in research in various fields ranging from galaxies, chimpanzees to Shakespeare. Discover opportunities unlock answers and contribute to real discoveries.
[DE, FR, EN, IT] Contribute your knowledge to Wikipedia or a dataset to Wikidata in order to strengthen open knowledge.
[EN] Data can help to visualise a bigger movement. The following examples allow you to share your story and thereby help to grasp a world wide development:
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